The Hidden Biosphere - Most of the species and at least 1/2 of the mass of the earth's living ecosystem are microscopic, invisible to the human eye. It is now thought that there are 4000 unique species (mostly unidentified) of bacteria within a single gram of soil alone. As farmers, we participate within an immense soil - microbial system, which has been, quite literally, hundreds of millions of years in the making.
Mission Statement
At Melvin Farms, our mission is to maintain our position as industry leaders in Atlantic Canada in the ethical production and supply of wholesale cauliflower, spinach and bunched vegetables.

Located in the Annapolis Valley near Canning, Melvin Farms is operated by Richard and Stephen Melvin. This fifth generation family farm consists of nearly 600 acres of prime agricultural land and employs 45 seasonal and two full time employees. Our food products are available at all three major food retailers (Atlantic Superstores, Coop and Sobeys), as well as at several of the region’s larger farm markets. The VitaBite logo is our registered Trademark.
Food Safety
Once the crop is harvested, it is quickly moved to our temperature controlled processing facility where it is inspected, washed and packaged, ready for the consumer in 6oz, 10oz and 1lb packages. Generally our product is on its way to store shelves within 24 hours from the moment of harvest.
We are working towards having our Food Safety program accredited by the American Baking Institute, and we expect to have this completed by August 2008.
Professional and Community Affiliations

Nova Scotia
Federation of Agriculture
http://www.nsfa-fane.ca/ |

Acadia Centre for Social and
Business Entrepreneurship
http://www.acsbe.com/ |

Nova Scotia
http://www.hortns.com/ |

Canadian Produce
Marketing Association
http://www.cpma.ca/ |

Feed Nova Scotia
http://www.feednovascotia.ca/ |
In temperate climates they are the third most important component of the soil's biomass, representing between 1-3 t/ha, depending on the type of soil, agricultural or forest.
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